
How Does Climate Change Affects Biodiversity Lowland Tropical Forests

journal article


Journal of Tropical Forest Scientific discipline

Published Past: Forest Inquiry Institute Malaysia

Journal of Tropical Forest Science

https://www. jstor .org/stable/26409967




There is growing evidence that global climate change is significantly altering forest ecosystems, and volition continue to practise so in the future. Changes in mean climate and climate extremes such as drought, storms, cyclones and wildfires can fundamentally alter species distribution, composition, phenology, and forest construction. This study reviewed the available evidence of climatic change impacts on tropical forests. We selected 85 studies based on two option criterias and recorded the impacts of climate change on different areas of tropical forests. The bulk of the studies examined climatic change impacts on forest structure and composition (72%), with few considering phenology (8%). This study focused on tropical Asian forests because of their loftier biodiversity values and their vulnerability to the interacting threats of forest fragmentation and climate change. The divergence map (2080–2100 compared with 1980–2000) indicates a significant acceleration of mean warming (5–9 °C) and increase in hateful precipitation (0.5–i mm solar day−1) in the Himalayan Highlands, Tibetan Plateau and arid regions of South asia. Based on this review, two issues were posed to direct time to come tropical wood research: (i) effect of climate change on the extinction risk of tropical trees and (2) integration of climate change risks into forest policy and direction.

Journal Information

The Journal of Tropical Forest Science (JTFS) is an international peer-reviewed journal concerning the science, technology and evolution of tropical forests and forest products. Commencement published in 1988, the journal welcomes articles reporting original fundamental or applied enquiry on tropical wood biology, environmental, chemical science, management, silviculture, conservation, utilization and product development. English is the official language of the journal. Only manuscripts with substantial scientific merit will be reviewed for originality, significance, relevance and quality. The periodical is published four times a year, i.e. January, April, July and Oct.

Publisher Data

The Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), a statutory body established in 1985 (formerly known as Forest Enquiry Plant or FRI since 1929), promotes ecologically sustainable forestry sector through the conservation of natural resources and environment, sustainable forest management, and the evolution of efficient downstream and upstream processing and utilisation technology through researches. Equally an institute governed by the Malaysian Forestry Enquiry and Development Lath (MFRDB), FRIM has besides chalked up an array of prestigious national and international awards and recognitions, and international collaborations that accept earned the Institute a name for itself in the tropical forestry. FRIM publishes a wide range of publications on forestry and forest products as an accurate reference to the progressive evolution of tropical forestry sector in Malaysia and the region. The Journal of Tropical Forest Sciences (JTFS), currently the merely journal published by FRIM, highlights notable scientific discoveries in the field of tropical forestry.


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